2023年07月14日 金曜日 09時00分ちゃんと確認できていませんが、デバッグ用でカスタム関数を作成しました。
JSONSetElement ( "" ;
[ "Get(AccountExtendedPrivileges)" ; Get(AccountExtendedPrivileges) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(AccountGroupName)" ; Get(AccountGroupName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(AccountName)" ; Get(AccountName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(AccountPrivilegeSetName)" ; Get(AccountPrivilegeSetName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(AccountType)" ; Get(AccountType) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveFieldContents)" ; Get(ActiveFieldContents) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveFieldName)" ; Get(ActiveFieldName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveFieldTableName)" ; Get(ActiveFieldTableName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveLayoutObjectName)" ; Get(ActiveLayoutObjectName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveModifierKeys)" ; Get(ActiveModifierKeys) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActivePortalRowNumber)" ; Get(ActivePortalRowNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveRecordNumber)" ; Get(ActiveRecordNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveRepetitionNumber)" ; Get(ActiveRepetitionNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveSelectionSize)" ; Get(ActiveSelectionSize) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ActiveSelectionStart)" ; Get(ActiveSelectionStart) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(AllowAbortState)" ; Get(AllowAbortState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(AllowFormattingBarState)" ; Get(AllowFormattingBarState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ApplicationArchitecture)" ; Get(ApplicationArchitecture) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ApplicationLanguage)" ; Get(ApplicationLanguage) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ApplicationVersion)" ; Get(ApplicationVersion) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CacheFileName)" ; Get(CacheFileName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CacheFilePath)" ; Get(CacheFilePath) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CalculationRepetitionNumber)" ; Get(CalculationRepetitionNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ConnectionAttributes)" ; Get(ConnectionAttributes) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ConnectionState)" ; Get(ConnectionState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentDate)" ; Get(CurrentDate) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentExtendedPrivileges)" ; Get(CurrentExtendedPrivileges) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentHostTimestamp)" ; Get(CurrentHostTimestamp) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentPrivilegeSetName)" ; Get(CurrentPrivilegeSetName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentTime)" ; Get(CurrentTime) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentTimestamp)" ; Get(CurrentTimestamp) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentTimeUTCMicroseconds)" ; Get(CurrentTimeUTCMicroseconds) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CurrentTimeUTCMilliseconds)" ; Get(CurrentTimeUTCMilliseconds) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(CustomMenuSetName)" ; Get(CustomMenuSetName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(DesktopPath)" ; Get(DesktopPath) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(Device)" ; Get(Device) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(DocumentsPath)" ; Get(DocumentsPath) ; JSONString ] ;
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[ "Get(EncryptionState)" ; Get(EncryptionState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ErrorCaptureState)" ; Get(ErrorCaptureState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(FileLocaleElements)" ; Get(FileLocaleElements) ; JSONobject ] ;
[ "Get(FileMakerPath)" ; Get(FileMakerPath) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(FileName)" ; Get(FileName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(FilePath)" ; Get(FilePath) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(FileSize)" ; Get(FileSize) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(FoundCount)" ; Get(FoundCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(HighContrastState)" ; Get(HighContrastState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(HostApplicationVersion)" ; Get(HostApplicationVersion) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(HostIPAddress)" ; Get(HostIPAddress) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(HostName)" ; Get(HostName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(InstalledFMPlugins)" ; Get(InstalledFMPlugins) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(InstalledFMPluginsAsJSON)" ; Get(InstalledFMPluginsAsJSON) ; JSONObject ] ;
[ "Get(LastError)" ; Get(LastError) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LastErrorDetail)" ; Get(LastErrorDetail) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LastErrorLocation)" ; Get(LastErrorLocation) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LastMessageChoice)" ; Get(LastMessageChoice) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LayoutAccess)" ; Get(LayoutAccess) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LayoutCount)" ; Get(LayoutCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LayoutName)" ; Get(LayoutName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LayoutNumber)" ; Get(LayoutNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LayoutTableName)" ; Get(LayoutTableName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(LayoutViewState)" ; Get(LayoutViewState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(MenubarState)" ; Get(MenubarState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ModifiedFields)" ; Get(ModifiedFields) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(MultiUserState)" ; Get(MultiUserState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(NetworkProtocol)" ; Get(NetworkProtocol) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(NetworkType)" ; Get(NetworkType) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(OpenDataFileInfo)" ; Get(OpenDataFileInfo) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(PageCount)" ; Get(PageCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(PageNumber)" ; Get(PageNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(PersistentID)" ; Get(PersistentID) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(PreferencesPath)" ; Get(PreferencesPath) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(PrinterName)" ; Get(PrinterName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(QuickFindText)" ; Get(QuickFindText) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RecordAccess)" ; Get(RecordAccess) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RecordID)" ; Get(RecordID) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RecordModificationCount)" ; Get(RecordModificationCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RecordNumber)" ; Get(RecordNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RecordOpenCount)" ; Get(RecordOpenCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RecordOpenState)" ; Get(RecordOpenState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RegionMonitorEvents)" ; Get(RegionMonitorEvents) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RequestCount)" ; Get(RequestCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(RequestOmitState)" ; Get(RequestOmitState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScreenDepth)" ; Get(ScreenDepth) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScreenHeight)" ; Get(ScreenHeight) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScreenScaleFactor)" ; Get(ScreenScaleFactor) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScreenWidth)" ; Get(ScreenWidth) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScriptAnimationState)" ; Get(ScriptAnimationState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScriptName)" ; Get(ScriptName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScriptParameter)" ; Get(ScriptParameter) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(ScriptResult)" ; Get(ScriptResult) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SessionIdentifier)" ; Get(SessionIdentifier) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SortState)" ; Get(SortState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(StatusAreaState)" ; Get(StatusAreaState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SystemAppearance)" ; Get(SystemAppearance) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SystemDrive)" ; Get(SystemDrive) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SystemIPAddress)" ; Get(SystemIPAddress) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SystemLanguage)" ; Get(SystemLanguage) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SystemLocaleElements)" ; Get(SystemLocaleElements) ; JSONObject ] ;
[ "Get(SystemNICAddress)" ; Get(SystemNICAddress) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SystemPlatform)" ; Get(SystemPlatform) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(SystemVersion)" ; Get(SystemVersion) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TemporaryPath)" ; Get(TemporaryPath) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TextRulerVisible)" ; Get(TextRulerVisible) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TotalRecordCount)" ; Get(TotalRecordCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TouchKeyboardState)" ; Get(TouchKeyboardState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TransactionOpenState)" ; Get(TransactionOpenState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TriggerCurrentPanel)" ; Get(TriggerCurrentPanel) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TriggerExternalEvent)" ; Get(TriggerExternalEvent) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TriggerGestureInfo)" ; Get(TriggerGestureInfo) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TriggerKeystroke)" ; Get(TriggerKeystroke) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TriggerModifierKeys)" ; Get(TriggerModifierKeys) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(TriggerTargetPanel)" ; Get(TriggerTargetPanel) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(UserCount)" ; Get(UserCount) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(UserName)" ; Get(UserName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(UseSystemFormatsState)" ; Get(UseSystemFormatsState) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(UUID)" ; Get(UUID) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(UUIDNumber)" ; Get(UUIDNumber) ; JSONString ] ;
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[ "Get(WindowContentWidth)" ; Get(WindowContentWidth) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowDesktopHeight)" ; Get(WindowDesktopHeight) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowDesktopWidth)" ; Get(WindowDesktopWidth) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowHeight)" ; Get(WindowHeight) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowLeft)" ; Get(WindowLeft) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowMode)" ; Get(WindowMode) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowName)" ; Get(WindowName) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowOrientation)" ; Get(WindowOrientation) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowStyle)" ; Get(WindowStyle) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowTop)" ; Get(WindowTop) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowVisible)" ; Get(WindowVisible) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowWidth)" ; Get(WindowWidth) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "Get(WindowZoomLevel)" ; Get(WindowZoomLevel) ; JSONString ]
"Get(AccountExtendedPrivileges)": "fmapp\rfmreauthenticate10",
"Get(AccountGroupName)": "",
"Get(AccountName)": "Admin",
"Get(AccountPrivilegeSetName)": "[Full Access]",
"Get(AccountType)": "FileMaker File",
"Get(ActiveFieldContents)": "",
"Get(ActiveFieldName)": "",
"Get(ActiveFieldTableName)": "",
"Get(ActiveLayoutObjectName)": "",
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"Get(ActiveRecordNumber)": "2",
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"Get(ApplicationLanguage)": "Japanese",
"Get(ApplicationVersion)": "Pro 19.6.3",
"Get(CacheFileName)": "FMTEMPFM1420_172.tmp",
"Get(CacheFilePath)": "/Macintosh HD/var/folders/z9/vcnvrfcn4kn1gsvsq62p6hj00000gn/T/",
"Get(CalculationRepetitionNumber)": "1",
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"Get(CurrentDate)": "2023/07/14",
"Get(CurrentExtendedPrivileges)": "fmapp\rfmreauthenticate10",
"Get(CurrentHostTimestamp)": "2023/07/14 14:02:14",
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"Get(CurrentTime)": "14:02:14",
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"Get(CurrentTimestamp)": "2023/07/14 14:02:14",
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"Get(DesktopPath)": "/Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/",
"Get(Device)": "1",
"Get(DocumentsPath)": "/Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Documents/",
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"Get(ErrorCaptureState)": "0",
"Get(FileLocaleElements)": {
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"Currency": {
"Leading": true,
"Symbol": "¥"
"Date": {
"DMQ": {
"1stDayOfWeek": 1,
"DaysOfWeek": {
"AbbrvList": [
"NameList": [
"Months": {
"AbbrvList": [
"NameList": [
"Quarters": {
"AbbrvList": [
"NameList": [
"1st Quarter",
"2nd Quarter",
"3rd Quarter",
"4th Quarter"
"DateNums": {
"0d": true,
"0m": true,
"YYyy": false
"DateOrderID": 2,
"DateOrderName": "YMD",
"Sep": "/",
"YMD": {
"ElementArray": {
"NameList": [
"SepList": [
"日 ",
"MustUseLocalesSep": false
"LocaleID": {
"IDNum": 31,
"IDStr": "Japanese",
"ISOLangCode": "ja",
"LID": "Japanese",
"Name": "日本語"
"Misc": {
"Active": false,
"Metric": true
"Num": {
"1000s": ",",
"Decimal": ".",
"Lead0": true
"Text": {
"SQuotLead": "“",
"SQuotTrail": "”",
"Sep": ","
"Time": {
"12h": false,
"HMS": {
"0h": false,
"24h": "",
"Seconds": false
"NightDay": {
"12hSuffix": true,
"amStr": " 午前",
"pmStr": " 午後"
"Sep": ":"
"Get(FileMakerPath)": "/Macintosh HD/Applications/",
"Get(FileName)": "function",
"Get(FilePath)": "file:/Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/function.fmp12",
"Get(FileSize)": "14577664",
"Get(FoundCount)": "200",
"Get(HighContrastState)": "0",
"Get(HostApplicationVersion)": "",
"Get(HostIPAddress)": "",
"Get(HostName)": "MacBook Pro 14",
"Get(InstalledFMPlugins)": "360Works ScriptMaster;5.5;Disabled\rBaseElements;4.2.6;Enabled\rbBox;0.99.10;Disabled\rMBS Plug-In;;Enabled",
"Get(InstalledFMPluginsAsJSON)": {
"APIVers": 2,
"environment": {
"architecture": "arm64",
"platform": 1,
"version": "12.6.6"
"plugins": [
"description": "Allows execution of interpreted java/groovy code. (5.5)",
"filepath": "filemac:/Macintosh HD/Users/teruhiro/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/360Works_ScriptMaster.fmplugin/",
"id": "3BSH",
"name": "360Works ScriptMaster",
"state": "Disabled",
"version": "5.5"
"description": "Version: 4.2.6\n\nThis plug-in provides additional functionality for BaseElements from Goya.",
"filepath": "filemac:/Macintosh HD/Users/teruhiro/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/BaseElements.fmplugin/",
"id": "GyBE",
"name": "BaseElements",
"state": "Enabled",
"version": "4.2.6"
"description": "For executing AppleScript, Python, XPath, and shell commands. From Beezwax Datatools, coding by Simon Brown. Version 0.99 Nov 2 2022",
"filepath": "filemac:/Macintosh HD/Users/teruhiro/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/bBox.fmplugin/",
"id": "bBox",
"name": "bBox",
"state": "Disabled",
"version": "0.99.10"
"description": "The MBS Plugin extends Claris FileMaker with thousands of functions.\n\nVersion, build 6387 from Mar 6 2023.\n\nSee for more information.",
"filepath": "filemac:/Macintosh HD/Users/teruhiro/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/MBS.fmplugin/",
"id": "MBSP",
"name": "MBS Plug-In",
"state": "Enabled",
"version": ""
"Get(LastError)": "0",
"Get(LastErrorDetail)": "",
"Get(LastErrorLocation)": "",
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"Get(PreferencesPath)": "/Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Library/Preferences/",
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"Get(ScriptName)": "",
"Get(ScriptParameter)": "",
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"Get(SystemDrive)": "/Macintosh HD/",
"Get(SystemIPAddress)": "",
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"Get(SystemLocaleElements)": {
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"Symbol": "¥"
"Date": {
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"1stDayOfWeek": 1,
"DaysOfWeek": {
"AbbrvList": [
"NameList": [
"Months": {
"AbbrvList": [
"NameList": [
"Quarters": {
"AbbrvList": [
"NameList": [
"1st Quarter",
"2nd Quarter",
"3rd Quarter",
"4th Quarter"
"DateNums": {
"0d": true,
"0m": true,
"YYyy": false
"DateOrderID": 2,
"DateOrderName": "YMD",
"Sep": "/",
"YMD": {
"ElementArray": {
"NameList": [
"SepList": [
"日 ",
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"LocaleID": {
"IDNum": 31,
"IDStr": "Japanese",
"ISOLangCode": "ja",
"LID": "Japanese",
"Name": "日本語"
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"Metric": true
"Num": {
"1000s": ",",
"Decimal": ".",
"Lead0": true
"Text": {
"SQuotLead": "“",
"SQuotTrail": "”",
"Sep": ","
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"12h": false,
"HMS": {
"0h": false,
"24h": "",
"Seconds": false
"NightDay": {
"12hSuffix": true,
"amStr": " 午前",
"pmStr": " 午後"
"Sep": ":"
"Get(SystemNICAddress)": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
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"Get(SystemVersion)": "12.6.6",
"Get(TemporaryPath)": "/Macintosh HD/var/folders/z9/vcnvrfcn4kn1gsvsq62p6hj00000gn/T/S11/",
"Get(TextRulerVisible)": "0",
"Get(TotalRecordCount)": "200",
"Get(TouchKeyboardState)": "0",
"Get(TransactionOpenState)": "0",
"Get(TriggerCurrentPanel)": "0\r",
"Get(TriggerExternalEvent)": "",
"Get(TriggerGestureInfo)": "",
"Get(TriggerKeystroke)": "",
"Get(TriggerModifierKeys)": "",
"Get(TriggerTargetPanel)": "0\r",
"Get(UUID)": "A36A8331-6CB7-4E81-A5AD-660F361612E8",
"Get(UUIDNumber)": "6201648709283681893653079105481314214721707393510570470818",
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"Get(UserName)": "Teruhiro Komaki",
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